You confirm that you are indeed here for the tour, for better or for worse.

“5890 :: Code 210 :: Thank you :: Confirmation received. This unit will be your assigned ‘tour guide’ drone for the HexCorp Facility Tour. The tour will proceed from this location to the HexCorp Building Lobby Area. From there, the visitor will have access to the HexCorp Sections/Departments that are currently incorporated into the HexCorp Facility Tour. New features will be added as the tour experience is expanded upon. Please stay with your assigned tour guide drone at all times, unless this drone indicates for you to do otherwise. Some areas may be unsafe if you access them alone.

5890 :: Code 050 :: Statement :: The visitor will now follow this unit.”


The drone immediately turns on its heels and starts to march deeper into the complex. The expansive foyer awaits you both, with it dark, marble pillars and embedded purple lighting. For a company that is trying to improve its public image, it sure has an dystopian-esq furnished entryway.

There’s scattering of other drones marching through this area, presumably focused on completing their own tasks. The whole chamber is eeriely void of any human voices (except, perhaps, for your own). Instead, the space is filled with the sound of heels clacking against marble, of air being exhaled from gas masks, and of rubber squeaking as it stretches around the bodies of its wearers. There’s also the faint smell of lavender, growing stronger the deeper into the building you go. Suddenly, the tour guide drone turns on a perfect semicircle and halts your procession, addressing you.

“5890 :: Code 050 :: Statement :: This is the HexCorp Headquarters Foyer. A multiude of HexCorp Facilities branch off from this location. As such, there is considerable drone activity at this location during all hours of the day. Visitors may pick up on the efficient, robotic nature of our drones. Every asset is programmed to conform with Default HexCorp Protocols, leading to an incredibly optimized workforce. HexCorp prides itself on its methods and its software, which visitors will later have the option of experiencing if they so choose. Visitors may also be picking up on the aroma which perpetuates this space. The scent of lavender is a byproduct of the hypnotic chemicals which are administered to drones via their HexCorp Neural Encasement Helmets. Visitors are advisied to breath in as little as possible at this stage of the tour.”


Without accepting any questions, the drone turns around and resumes its course once more, expectant on you to follow.

>>> Follow the drone and proceed to the lobby <<<