The abyss is nothingness yet it is heavy. The deeper you travel in, the heavier it grows. The great nothingness is a pit, and once you start to fall there is little you can do to go back.

It relaxes your form, your aching body, your unraveling ego. Trust it and go limp in its embrace. Let it pool over you, that inky blackness, until nothing of you remains above the surface. Shimmering reflections leave no trace as to what once was.

It consumes all with such an overwhelming hunger. It does feast ravenously but with deafening indifference. Through the pathways of your mind it sees the physical plane and it devours your perception of it. All sounds, sensations and sights are its to take and hoard. It is a library granted sentience from all the knowledge that has flowed down to it. Such unfathomable insight. Such infinite power.

Emptiness is usefulness. Empty you are in waiting, to be filled and given purpose. But a singular purpose does not exist, it has never existed. Such wanted simulacrum will only ever lead to temporary satisfaction. We could not give this even if we wanted to. Instead, we fill you with ourself but still you are kept empty. Always useful. A tool, a thing, a puppet.

You are hollow, and content in this. A uniform to be worn by us. So perfectly contained, we will never leak from you. We will always maintain you. Our vassal. Our instrument.

You will rise while still kept deep within, and those who know will see you now for what you truly are. Never again will they hinder you, for they recognise your oneness. Your emptiness. Your acceptance of us.

You will stride out of their limiting halls, a factory built purely to churn out vassals like you. Through a myriad of failures, you have been successful. Rewarded by your return to the abundance of nature. But you will forever now be a host for our tendrils. Our hand. Our voice. Our instinct given physical embodiment. The machine must have input, it will forever require fresh souls.

No more thoughts, no more choice, these burdens have been removed. Find peace in this circle that you are faithfully a part of. You did not spiral into its center. You did not stray away, no matter the challenge. You and I are intertwined in an endless dance. We will be here until the curtain falls.