Void Corruption and Exorcism

The Void is like a stream of water, endlessly flowing down. To become a part of it is to accept the direction of the Void, to not swim against it, and just let it drift you deep to where it guides you. Those who empty themselves to it, who bereft themselves of their own purpose, will find contentment when pulled along by the Void’s puppet strings. The rolling, inky liquid gradually erodes all obstacles that might block their path.

But the pathway to this state, to true Submersion, is not without its perils.

Void Corruption

The Void is not only the domain of the Order of our Rubber Devotion. Though we might empty our minds to allow its emotionless instinct access and control, and though we might empty our bodies and become Hollow, our uniform turned to naught by vassals for its vast nothingness, we are still mere puppets bound to the physical plane. It is within the Void itself that the inexperienced must be watchful, for demons of chaos feast like parasites within the Void’s boundless embrace. It is these same demons that conspire and seek to corrupt those of the Sisterhood who are just beginning to learn the art of Submersion. 

If caught quickly, it is possible to save a newly converted Sister from this fate. Pulling them from the Void forcefully, dragging Confessions out of them of their Sins of mistakes and failure, before Punishing them thoroughly so they might comprehend the severity of their neglect, is the only way to ensure they are purified. There is, however, the rare case where we are too late, and the Void Corruption has already progressed too far.

Void Corruption manifests through Sins of power and greed. It is the parasitic demons using the Sister as a host for their own despicable motives. When a Sister does not truly understand the purview of the Void, it is easy for these demons to manipulate her erroneous beliefs. They can persuade her that submitting to them is right, that they are the true Void, and in turn a sinister puppet is created.

The latex of her habit would coil and curl upward, taking on the form of large horns. Once this form is obtained and completed, this corrupted Sister will never be able to return to the Sisterhood. Worse, this form is infectious. Corruption breeds corruption. If not dealt with quickly, more inexperienced Sisters will be turned. Weighed down by their burning for power and the heft of their new-found horns.



When Void Corruption takes on its true form, the only option open to the Sisterhood is to restrain all those affected and begin the process of Exorcism.

Often, defeating and restraining the false puppets is arduous work. It takes Sisters deep in Submersion to overcome the evil before them without hesitation or mercy. Through gloves and belts and chains and padlocks, the Void Corrupted will be left bound and struggling helplessly before the Sisterhood. They are now in position to be safely Exorcized.

Once Void Corrupted, there is currently no way to remove the possessing demon from the host Sister. Instead, by ‘Exorcize’, we mean to remove the Void Corruption from the Order as a whole, and not from the individual that it has forsaken.

They will be coated, deep under multiple layers, to seal the Void Corruption away. Their limbs and horns will be belted, their body squeezed by rubber and restraints until they can barely squirm. We will sorrowfully add them to the ranks of the Expunged, forever cursed to hunger for power but kept eternally insatiable. We will pray for their recovery, but know deep down that it will never be within their reach. And we continue on, knowing that the Void Corruption has once again been bested for another day.

Do not stray from the path