YCH Conversion Chamber Commission Form

Hello, dronification aspirants!

The following form is used to make sure we have all the necessary info for the YCH (Your Character Here) Conversion Chamber Commissions.

For full context, this is so that you can have your OC (original character) added to the Conversion Facility page and converted from one of the sixty Conversion Strategies.

Although this form will always be active (it is a right hassle for us to delete and remake it) we will only be accepting commissions at particular points in time, usually in batches of twelve.

Also for clarity, the term ‘your OC’ is going to have a broader meaning here to mean either ::

  • Your character.

  • You.

  • Someone else’s character, but only if they’ve given you permission for this commission.

  • Someone else, but only if they’ve given you permission for this commission.

YCH Conversion Chamber Commissions are currently :: CLOSED

Firstly, the full details of what you’re paying for ::

  • This commission will cost £40 upfront.

  • You are paying for your OC to be inserted into a conversion chamber, as well as an entry on the website with some flavor text to accompany it. 

  • We have 4 possible base models to choose from, as well as some extra ‘props’ that can be applied.

  • We’re also open to discussing extra details that can be added, so long as they are in keeping with the general aesthetic of HexCorp and the Conversion Facility, to keep this all thematically consistent.

  • Other details, such as conversion time, conversion strategies etc that appear in the side bar can be chosen by you also.

  • The flavor text is created by Hex, and will usually be based on the character design, conversion time, conversion strategy, and any other details you wish to provide regarding your character (or yourself). Usually, this flavor text will be six sentences long, but there have been other circumstances where longer text has been written or an image has been used to better capture a concept. The flavor text can be serious or simply a meme post too.

  • You’ll also need to be okay with sharing your Discord handle with us, as that’s where all comms to organise the commission will be handled.

It should also be said that you can see examples of what we’ve done before simply by visiting the different conversion chambers on the conversion facility page.